Monday, October 21, 2013

The Strawman

The Best Friend of the Preacher and the Politician

Want to win a religious argument? First, and foremost, realize that doing so may be an impossibility (depending on your audience). However, the next best thing is to build yourself a strawman (a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted). First, outline in detail the strawman as your opponent's argument then knock him/her down!

This tactic is not just good in debating but in everyday life. Don't make your argument too transparent or ridiculous because your audience may easily see what you are up to. It is too simple to say that your opponent believes in UFO's, little green men, and this other modified version of his beliefs that you've attributed to him or her. But for sure do leave out key points in your opponents arguments. Why address a good argument when you don't have to right?

One thing for sure that you will see in religious argument is the avoidance of scripture that contradicts a belief system. If a group doesn't believe a certain thing you will never hear various passages read in their pulpit.

Make sure that you control the agenda and give your opponent little or no time to respond and talk over your opponent. Stack the deck.

A well built strawman can easily be destroyed. "He that is without sin cast the first stone."

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